Modern Family Season 4 Blu-ray Giveaway

Available on Blu-ray & DVD September 24

In season four, we sympathized with Gloria as she felt pressure from her family members to choose certain names for her newborn baby. Sometimes picking a name for your little boy or girl can be quite a difficult task; it can even cause major family drama! Perhaps Gloria could have taken some advice on how to handle this situation from celebrity parents, who have been choosing very unique names for their kids over the past few years. Take a look at some of the most unusual celeb kid’s names out there:

Blue Ivy Carter

Beyoncé and Jay-Z received a lot of attention when they named their daughter Blue Ivy in January of 2012. Their sweet daughter’s middle name, Ivy, holds a lot of significance for the couple. Ivy represents the Roman numeral for four, which is tattooed on both parents’ fingers. Their anniversary is April 4, Beyoncé’s birthday is September 4 and Jay-Z was born December 4.

Apple Blythe Alison Martin

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin really topped the charts when they named their daughter Apple. But, not all unique names have a specific reasoning behind them. Paltrow has told the press that she chose the name simply based on the fact that it sounded sweet, wholesome, and biblical. 

Olive Barrymore

Although you might find many little girls running around with the name Olivia, you probably won’t meet many Olives. This unusual name was picked in an equally unusual way; Barrymore fell in love with the name when she was reading a book during her pregnancy that stated ‘your baby is the size of an olive’ and her husband, Will Kopelman, agreed.

North West

A recent addition to the list of wild celebrity baby names, North West was born to parents Kim Kardashian and Kanye West this year. According to Kris Jenner, North represents the highest point in the couple’s relationship.  


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