Diaper Diaries: Shoot & Aim {Playtex Diaper Genie #Giveaway}

I can't think of any other job in the world that would compare to being a mom. It's wonderful, beautiful, stressful crazy, hectic and so much more wrapped all into one and I wouldn't change it for the world. Thinking back to when my little big people were just newborns and then toddlers, it's hard to see them now doing things I use to do for them. Time certainly has a way of flying by.

One of the things I can remember vividly when my two kids were younger was changing their diapers. Although I do some times miss the newborn and toddler stage, I'm glad I don't have to change any more diapers and that my kids are potty trained and can go on their own.

I definitely remember when my son was born. I had already had one baby, so changing a diaper was going to be a piece of cake. Little did I know when it comes to little boys they can definitely shoot and aim even when they aren't meaning to. The first time it happened to me was at a family get together's at my parents. I went into another room to change my little man's diaper and apparently he wasn't finish. All over my dress and all you can see was him smiling afterwards. Since that had never happened to me before of course I didn't bring an extra pair of clothes, so I had to borrow a change of clothes from my mom, luckily we were the same size then, lol.

(The picture above is about an hour after the incident took place)

But I learned my lesson from that. From then on I carried a maxi dress in my diaper bag just in case and in the Winter I carried a pair of tights and a shirt. You always want to bring your little ones a pair of extra clothes when you're out, but when they're still at the stage of being in diapers and puking up formula you should definitely bring an extra pair of clothing for mommy too!

So how about you moms out there? I'm sure that most of you out there have some stories you can share with us moms or moms to be about changing your little one's diaper that will be a sigh of relief to others letting us know that we're not alone. If you do, let's here it. You can check out Playtex Mommyville on Facebook to share some of your diaper diary stories with other moms. It's a great way to communicate with other moms and by hearing what others are going through you might find an answer you were looking for or be the one to help another mom out.


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