Title: Matt Monroe and The Secret Society
By: Edward Torba
Publisher: All Points Press LLC
Publication Date: January 1, 2013
ISBN: 9780985082703
Pages: 357
Matt Monroe, a fourteen-year-old boy, puts his fears aside as he travels to a same-time dimension to fulfill a prophecy. The saga begins when Matt finds a set of mysterious wooden tablets and an onyx ring. Soon he and his older brother, along with five friends, find themselves transported to the world of Paragon, where they face numerous obstacles. This is an account of deception and betrayal, mixed with courage and the bonds of friendship. Prepare yourself for an exciting adventure with an extraordinary ending.
This was a
good story. After reading it I'm sure my son will like it. I think the adventure and silliness might be
a bit younger than young adult, so I'm sure my son
is 11 and I think he would like it. The
story is easy to read and follow with some twists and turns. Reminded me a little of a Gooney-ish type
adventure (Not at all a similar story. Just the feeling you get reading it) I do love to
find good reading material that will keep my 11-year old son's attention…I
think this definitely will.
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received Matt Monroe and The Secret Society at no cost for the purpose of this review and book tour. No other compensation was received.
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