When a deaf elementary school girl named Shoko is forced to transfer to a new school after a boy named Shôya constant bullies her, Shôya suffers over the consequences of his guilt for years. Upon entering high school, Shôya finally decides he must find Shoko, to make amends for what he did in elementary school and to become her friend. Along the way, he meets new and old faces, and struggles with many complicated relationships and feelings in “this beautifully rendered anime” (Total Film). Based on the critically acclaimed manga by Yoshitoki Oima, this release is presented in Japanese with subtitles, and with an English dub.
A Silent Voice is an eye opening film about a deaf girl and a bully boy who cross paths. This emotion yet heartwarming movie shows the problems in society that a lot of people still struggle with today. It shows that past mistakes can be fixed, even very bad ones. Redemption is always there for those you give chances to it. The plot and character design are flawless and the voice actors bring the characters to life, it is an amazing film and I highly recommend it to fellow anime fans and people who like to see reality in one film. A Silent Voice is available now, you can purchase it on Amazon.We're so excited to team up with Shout Factory to offer you a chance to win a copy of A Silent Voice! Open to both our US and Canada readers, comment below sharing your favorite anime TV show or movie!
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received A Silent Voice at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.