Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched By An Angel
By: Amy Newmark
Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul
Publication Date: October 7th, 2014
Pages: 400
Seen or unseen, angels are all around us. In this collection of 101 miraculous stories of faith, divine intervention, and answered prayers, real people share their incredible experiences with angels and the many ways they touch our lives.
You only have to look to find the angels in your life. These divine guides, guardian angels, and heavenly messengers help and guide us when we need it most. You will be awed and inspired by these true personal stories from religious and non-religious, about hope, healing, and help from angels
Chicken Soup for the Soul has always been a great read no matter what subject they're talking about. I love how there are many different stories that are shared to inspire you. When reading Touched by an Angel, not only does this book make you have faith in the unseen, but it also inspires you and gives you hope. I loved reading the many different stories that were shared in this book because it talked about dealing with grief and knowing that we will heal when we are hurting. These stories not only got me teary eyed, but had me thinking of the loved ones that I have lost. It's always been faith to believe they are in a better place, but looking over us that helps me and I loved reading stories knowing that everyone goes through their own way of both grieving and healing.
An absolutely great read for anyone, even moms with babies. I loved while my two month old was taking a nap, I had time to have a tea and enjoy a story before she woke up. Definitely a book you can take with you on the go.
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched By An Angel at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.
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