Spend #SpiritDay Watching Anti-Bullying Movies w/ Your Kids on @Netflix #StreamTeam

Not only is October National Bullying Prevention Month, but today, October 17th, is Spirit Day. A day where we stand up against bullying. Today millions of people will wear purple as a sign of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and to speak out against bullying. Getting involved is very easy to do, all you have to do to show your support is wear something purple or turn your profile image purple on any of the social networks you go on.

Are you wearing your purple?! 

As a parent, one of the things I do constantly is worry. Not only for the safety of my children, but for the safety of every child/teen/young adult out there that is getting picked on or teased by another. This has to stop. It's not right and you're doing more harm than you know. It's easy to stand by and let someone pick on another person while watching, but it takes a brave person to stand up and say, "Hey, that's not cool, leave them alone." This is how I'm trying to raise my kids. Not to just sit there and watch things happen, but to make a difference by standing up for others before things get worse.

As a subscriber on Netflix I look for movies and television shows that are not just fun to watch for my entire family, but also movies and shows that have some type of meaning and lesson behind them that can teach my family something new. Since October is National Bullying Prevention Month there are several different ways you can go about talking to your kids about anti-bullying.

You can create different crafts such as totes and pillow cases that will help your kids get the courage to speak up, you can create Superhero  Photo Magnets as well to build your child's confidence and you can also sit down with your family to watch a few different shows/movies on Netflix that show characters in different movies going through and overcoming some type of bullying.

Here are seven movies that will be good to stream and watch for National Bullying Prevention Month:

1. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
2. Akeelah and the Bee
3. How to Eat Fried Worms
4. Shredderman Rules
5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
6. Unfabulous
7. The Fatboy Chronicles

One of the movies we've watched over and over again is How to Eat Fried Worms and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Both are great movies that show bullying in action and showing kids stick up for themselves. Be sure to check out any or all of the above movies to watch with your family.

Disclosure: I am part of the Street Team Campaign with Netflix and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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