Eco Friendly Market Bags From Lil Alice @lilalicesews {Review & Giveaway}

One of the things I've been changing about my self for the last couple of years is trying to be eco-friendly, especially when I shop. I love the idea of bringing my own reusable bags to the store because not only are they more reliable and durable then any old plastic bag you may find in the stores, but you're also doing a litle bit to help the world and you never know, you may get others who didn't use to use eco friendly bags to start.

A couple of months ago I received a gorgeous reusable market bag as well as a cute chic chevron coin bag from a cute and unique homemade shop, Lil Alice. This shop was created by Katy Reitz who opened up Lil Alice January 2012! Where did she get the name Lil Alice you say?! Well, her nick name was Lil Alice when she was little. I imagine this was because her grandmother's name was Alice and they had lots of things in common. Her grandmother loved to sew, cook and shop and those were her favorite things to do as well.

Now, what I love about her shop is that she not only hand makes every thing she sells, but she sells a variety of items from reusable market bags,custom aprons, essential zip pouches in various sizes and accessories.

Not only will you get quality durable items from Lil Alice, but also unique items as well. I love the feeling of going out the house with an item and a friend, family member or a stranger asking me where I purchased the item. This is what happened to me when I took my new cute reusable market bag to the Farmer's Market a few weeks back. I was complimented on how nice the bag was and also where I got it from.

What impressed me too was I had an accident and got some juice in the bag. I put it in the wash and it came out looking great and was still durable, standing on it's own and was good to go. This to me screams great quality and care. I can tell that Katy puts her whole heart in when she's creating new items and this is definitely a shop that is worth checking out. Everyone should know about Lil Alice!

Both items are perfect for Summer and would be great to take with you if you went shopping to the market place, an outdoor flea market,  to the beach or out of town. You can keep up with Lil Alice socially on Twitter and Facebook!

Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received the above mentioned products at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.


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