Title: The After Girls
By: Leah Konen
Publisher: Merit Press
Publication Date: April 18, 2013
ISBN: 9781440561085
Pages: 304
Ella, Astrid, and Sydney were planning the perfect summer after high school graduation. But when Astrid commits suicide in a lonely cabin, the other girls' worlds are shattered. How could their best friend have done this--to herself and to them? They knew everything about Astrid. Shouldn't they have seen this coming? Couldn't they have saved her?
As Ella hunts for the truth, and Sydney tries to dull the pain, a chilling message from Astrid leaves them wondering whether their beloved friend is communicating from the after life. The girls embark on a journey to uncover Astrid's dark secrets. The answers to those questions--questions they never dreamed of asking--will change their lives forever.
This was an emotional yet powerful read. Dealing with suicide in any form is emotional. Whether you read about it, new someone who committed suicide or someone who is in a deep depression. I think I cried more than a care to share while reading this story, but let me just say it is 100% worth the read. I read this in one sitting. When you're reading, your hearing points of views from the two best friends, Sydney and Ella. They're in shock and mourning of the suicide of their best friend, Astrid. They wonder how they missed the signs and what lead up to these events.
What I loved about this story was how true it felt. Some times death happens and it can break a relationship or make you stronger. I think it made both girls a little bit stronger even knowing that their friendship wasn't how it use to be, the girls still were there for one another and that's what mattered.
This is definitely a page turner filled with lots of mystery and suspense and will have you not wanting to stop reading until you get to the last page and even when you do, you still want it to continue. I thought both main characters were portrayed very well with lots of details and even though we only heard about Astrid through both Sydney and Ella, I felt like in a way I knew her through their memories of her. A great book, filled with great characters and a great story line. I definitely can't wait to see what Leah Konen comes out with next!
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received The After Girls at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received
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