Title: Smantha Sutton and the Labyrinth of Lies
By: Jordan Jacobs
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Publication Date: October 1, 2012
ISBN: 9781402275609
Pages: 352
A legendary ghost, an ancient treasure, a mystery only Samantha Sutton can solve.
What happens when Indiana Jones meets Nancy Drew? You get Samantha Sutton, twelve year-old archeology buff with sharp wit and an insatiably curious personality. SAMANTHA SUTTON AND THE LABYRINTH OF LIES is the incredible page-turner about a young girl from California who is given the chance to follow her archeologist uncle to the excavation of an ancient Peruvian temple.
What she doesn’t expect, though, is the legend haunting this ancient site. When important artifacts begin to disappear overnight, Samantha must navigate the disapproving eye of her uncle’s acerbic assistant, the bungling boyishness of her annoying big brother, and the ever-present stories swirling among the locals of the hysterical spirit that wanders through the town late at night. Using her keen sensibility and her knack for mapping the unknown passageways of Chavín de Huántar, Samantha uncovers a mystery far bigger than she could have ever imagined. This is a novel for children (and adults!) who love history, mystery, and heart-stopping plot-twists.
This was such a good read. Filled with both mystery, adventure and archaeology this totally reminded me of Nancy Drew, minus the archaeology which was a pretty cool bonus. The story itself was good as well. I loved that the author was very authentic about the location of where this story took place and that he didn't translate some of the things that were needed to be said in Spanish to English. It wasn't too hard for me to figure out what was being said, but since this is a book for a younger audience I'm pretty sure those that read it will have a difficult time and it may get confusing for them. Other then that this was a great book. The relationship between Samantha and her brother is pretty funny since it's pretty dead on with how siblings act towards each other when they're young. As an adult the mystery was pretty easy to solve and I figured it out a bit before the ending of the book, which was okay, because I just wanted to make sure I was right all along, lol. If you like mystery and adventure, this is definitely a great book to read.
Be sure to check out our GUEST POST from the author himself!
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received Samantha Sutton and the Labyrinth of Lies at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.
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