In 2005, Transformers fans were introduced to the animated series Transformers Cybertron, the third installment of the rare Unicron Trilogy – consisting of Armada, Energon and Cybertron. Unicron has been defeated, but his destruction has created a black hole, which is threatening the Autobots’ home world of Cybertron. It’s up to Optimus Prime, his team of heroic Autobots and their new human friends — Coby, Lori and Bud — to secure the four mystical Cyber Planet Keys, in order to destroy the black hole. Unfortunately, Megatron and the Decepticons are always lurking. And if the Cyber Planet Keys fall into their hands, it could mean the end of life as we know it. The race is on!
On August 5, 2014, Shout! Factory, in collaboration with Hasbro Studios, released Transformers Cybertron: The Complete Series, featuring all action-packed episodes collected in one deluxe 7-DVD box set. Whether reliving the childhood memory or discovering this series for the first time, this is an essential home collection for fans, collectors and the entire family to complete their Transformers home entertainment library. This complete series 7-DVD set is priced to own at $44.99 SRP.
Both my daughter and my husband are huge Transformers fans. They absolutely love the movies, television series and action figures, so they were super excited when we got to add the complete series of Cybertron to our movie collection. This seven disc series has every episode from the show and then some. With extra bonus features, this is a DVD series that any fan of the show would absolutely love. What I didn't know is that this was the third installment from the Unicron Trilogy, but even if you haven't seen the first two, you can still follow along very easily throughout this entire series.
My daughter's favorite is obviously, Optimus Prime, and what's cool is how much I love seeing her run to her room to get her Transformer toys so that she can play with it as the show is on the TV. Any fans of the legendary show will absolutely love this and this would make a great gift for the entire family this holiday season.
For more information about Transformers Cybertron and other Transformers series, be sure to head on over to
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