Title: Super Space Encyclopedia
Publisher: DK Children
Publication Date: June 25, 2019
Pages: 208
Explore our wonderful universe through stunning CGI illustrations and amazing stats that bring to life the incredible marvels that populate space.
Perfect for curious kids, Super Space Encyclopedia showcases everything that is enthralling and mesmerizing about space, and explains how the human race has developed the tech needed to explore its depths. From astounding features in the solar system to unimaginable wonders in the far reaches of the universe, this book helps the reader explore the cosmos at a steady pace.
Stunning photographs and digestible blocks of text combine with DK's classic tradition of depicting information in a systematic way, immersing the readers in an unparalleled journey through the universe. Unravel the mysteries of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, investigate the explosion that created the Crab Nebula, and dig deeper into radio signals from spinning stars! Find out many more interesting super facts about space with Super Space Encyclopedia.
My husband is obsessed with anything related to space. He listens to podcasts all day at work about space, time and just science as a whole. So as soon as I saw this book, I knew he would be overjoyed. He ended up reading it to our son every night for a week. We even got to bring this book to the Toronto Science Centre during the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Super exciting trip! My sister read ‘Super Space’ on the drive up! We got a picture with her holding it at the science centre, she was in love too.
We ended up letting her take it home to finish reading. It is an interactive book that really allows the reader to sit back and enjoy the pure facts of life in space. We got it a week or so before we went to the Science Center and it certainly got us pumped up to go. I love that my 12-year-old sister showed so much interest in it as well as my 5 month old baby and 21 year old husband. Definitely a book for all ages.
For more information about the Super Space Encyclopedia or any other books from DK Canada, be sure to head over to their website.
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received the above book at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received