DIY: Newspaper Nails

I love doing my nails, it's something that my daughter and I love doing together. Since starting our DIY Section on the blog, I've been finding tons of different do it yourself projects all over the web that are so easy to do, especially on Pinterest. This one I found from on friend of mine on Facebook and had to try it and share it with our lovely readers. I love how different and unique these are.

(They're normally way better then this, such a rushed job. Will add a better picture soon!)

Newspaper Nails:
Source: Friend on Facebook

What You Need:
Nail Polish (The lighter the polish the better your newspaper will show)
Clear Nail Polish
Rubbing alcohol

Paint your nails with your base color, let then dry thoroughly.
Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol in a small bowl.
Stick your finger in it for about five seconds.
Press a small piece of newspaper to your nail. (Make sure it's not more then a couple of seconds or the newspaper will start to stick to your nail.)
Add a coat of clear nail polish. Let Dry.
Wash off any other newspaper that may have gotten on your finger.



  1. Very cool! I will have to give this a try over the summer.

  2. cool! I've seen those on Pinterest and wondered how they were done :)

  3. My DD (11) read this over my shoulder and shouted, "Hey I want to do that one day"

  4. Neat! I've wondered how this is done.

  5. This is such a neat idea! Thx for sharing it!

  6. This is really cool. I am going to give this a try
