The Best Job In The World..Being A Mom! #NaturallyAtHome

Being a mom can definitely be challenging. There are some days where you just want to hide in bed and hope that the next day is a bit better. But I honestly wouldn't change this experience for the world. There are the hard days that make the good days so enjoyable. There are times where I look at both my kids and see myself in them. It's crazy how that happens and I can't wait for our third child to get here this Summer so I can experience being a mom to a newborn all over again.

Mother's Day has come and gone and I have to say this was a good one. I love that my kids get so excited as they get older. It's like Christmas to them, but gifts for me. They love to help the hubby make me breakfast in the morning and watch me while I'm opening up my gifts from them. It's become a tradition that the hubby gets up early and sets everything up for the kids to help cook, wakes the kids up and me pretend to sleep in longer so that they can wake me up once everything is done.

After breakfast is in our bellies and gifts are opened, I relax with the kids for a bit before we head on over to my in laws where I meet my mother in law and two sister in laws and we sit in the backyard relaxing and let the men barbecue for us and take care of the kiddos. We're served drinks and our food and each hubby brings our favorite desert so that we can enjoy it after our cooked meal. It goes by super fast, but it's such a great day and filled with lots of memories.

Once the day is over everything goes back to our normal routine, but I still feel the love from Mother's Day and appreciate how much both my kids and husband love me. Time is flying by too fast, so I'm enjoying every single day as a mom and can't wait til I'm a mom of three.

Naturally At Home will be expanding and including a newsletter available for all moms to read. It includes healthy tips and tricks that we can all use with a household that has kiddos running around. Be sure to check it out along with following them on Facebook and Twitter!

Disclosure: I am part of the Orange Naturals Mom Ambassador Program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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