Cash Mob: Helping Our Local Shops

Ever heard of Flash Mob where a group of random people meet up at a specific time and break out in dance? Well this past Saturday I participated in a Cash Mob. It's similar to Flash Mob, except we break out in cash instead of a dance to help support our local stores. I must say it was a really great feeling knowing that I took part in such a great event. 

I got a call from one of the mom's from school asking if I had the time would I pop in at on of our local stores, Gumballs and Overalls, a consignment boutique for second hand goods for our little ones. I immediately said yes and called a few people I knew to spread the word. I even posted it on both Just Us Girls and my personal facebook page.

Destination: Gumballs and Overalls.
Date and Time: Saturday, January 28th at 1pm
Goal: Spend at least $5 in the store. 

I went with my friend Liisa and we both spent well over $5, met some really nice ladies who were also apart of the Cash Mob and the best thing was, the owner had no clue! I love that. The fact that we all took the time to stop in and help out one of our local Canadian shops was good enough for me. I left feeling great and I can't wait to do it again. It's always great to help support your local businesses. I'm glad I got to be apart of the Cash Mob and can't wait for the next one.



  1. That is a fantastic idea. I bet it felt good. How do you find out about these things?

  2. That is such a cool idea! Thanks for sharing, I think I'll have to get a group of people to try that sometime too :)

  3. oh that sounds like fun!!! such a great idea!

  4. Amazing! Small businesses have a hard time, I always try to support local shops. This is a fantastic idea.

  5. What a great idea!!! I love that :)

  6. This is a great idea. Suppoting a local venue like that. A little expense on the part of the cash mob but great benefit to the community.

  7. Ok this is a GREAT idea, I'm going to do this with friends soon

  8. What a fantastic idea, wish I could have come with you!! :)

  9. Wow, that is awesome. What a great way to support local businesses. I usually do business profiles in my city forthe online publication I write for. I lve it because we need to support our cities and small businesses.

  10. What a cool concept! I LOVE this idea.

  11. What a cool concept! I LOVE this idea.
