The Sitting Swing

Title: The Sitting Swing
By: Irene Watson
Publisher: Love Healing Press
Publication Date: July 16, 2008
  IBSN: 978-1932690675  
Pages: 248 

Irene Watson's pretentious life could go no further until she faced her past. Her moving and inspiring memoir begins at the end, in a recovery center, where she has gone to understand a childhood fraught with abuse, guilt, and uncertainty.
Two distinct parts of the book look at abusive child rearing and the process of recovery years later. This story shows change, growth, and forgiveness are possible. It gives hope and freedom to those accepting the past and re-writing life scripts that have been passed down for generations. It's never too late to change your life, never too late to heal.

I have a great respect for the faith and belief systems of others.  I also have a great respect for those so willing to layout their life story and aspire to reach for their life’s ambitions.  That is essentially what this story is about.  Personally, I wasn’t inspired so much by the story or the miracle of Avalon.  While I can appreciate the soul put into writing this book, I can’t in good conscious, say that I was inspired.


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  1. Hello! Congratulations, you’ve been awarded the Liebster Blogging Award by me, Mommie "Again".

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