March Break w/ The Kiddos! #NaturallyAtHome

March Break is here and it seems to have come so fast! I can't believe we're already in March. Over the last few of years for March Break, the family and I have been traveling and going back to visit family in California. This has become a great tradition that the hubby, kids and I have been enjoying and it's perfect timing since the kids are out of school.  It's always nice to get away and it's definitely nice this year since Winter seems to not want to leave us.

Last year while in California we got to take the kids to Disneyland for the first time and I can't begin to tell you how much fun the kids had. Even though the hubby and I have been to Disneyland lots of times, it was like the first time for us all over again with how excited the kids were.

(Kids At Cars Land last March Break)

This year is a bit different as I will be traveling with the kids alone. The hubby will be going on a business trip, so although this isn't a vacation with the entire family, we're all super excited to be getting out of the snow and cold. The hubby's business trip is in Texas, so he'll be in warm weather without the snow as well.

While the plane ride can be a bit challenging with kids, over the years as our kids get older, they've become more comfortable with the ride, but I am a bit worried since it will be just myself with the kids. The last time I was on a plane with them without the hubby I had one in diapers and the other just finished potty training, what a plane ride! Although the kids are definitely old enough to go to the restroom, to cover all my bases for a smooth and relaxing plane ride, I'll be giving both Orange Natural's Calm For Kids before our plane ride to California and from.

Calm For Kids is a chamomile and linden, that's used for kids to relieve upset stomachs and calm minds. It also works as a relaxing sedative state with no harmful effects and assists with sleep and relieves nervousness and restlessness. Perfect for any long trip in a plane or a car ride. So if you're traveling during this March Break, I'd definitely suggest Calm For Kids, it will definitely help with the long hours on the road or in the air.

Have any plans this March Break? Are you taking your kids on a vacation or having a staycation? Either way, please share. I'd love to hear what you have planned for your family.
Disclosure: I am part of the Orange Naturals Mom Ambassador Program and I receive 
special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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