Luden's Jingle Contest

WHO:  Luden’s Lozenge Lovers…friends, family, kids, teens, and readers.

WHAT:  The La La Luden’s Jingle contest.
·        Create a catchy tune about why you love Luden’s.
·        The original jingle can be acoustic, rock, funny, solo, or in a group.

WHEN:  Entries accepted from now until June 29, 2012.

WHY:  To have fun, and win great prizes!
·        1 Grand Prize Winner will have their jingle featured on the Luden’s website; cash prize of $2,500; receive tickets to be in the studio audience of one of the hit talent shows; and a year’s supply of Luden’s products!
·        9 Finalists will win $100 American Express Gift Cards and assorted Luden’s products.

HOW: Log onto  and upload your 30-60 second original jingle about why you love Luden’s!

Contest is open to US Residents Only.


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