Pound Puppies: Puppy Love DVD (Review & Giveaway)

Every boy and girl should know the undying love of a puppy. That’s exactly what the Pound Puppies are for! "A pup for every person and a person for every pup!” That’s their motto and they mean it. Join the fearless leader, Lucky, and his crew — Niblet, Cookie, Squirt and Strudel — as they make it their mission to find homes for lonely dogs… and dogs for lonely humans!

Pound Puppies: Puppy Love comes complete with your very own printable valentine that you can share with your favorite pet or human!

I remember watching the original Pound Puppies when I was younger. I absolutely loved it. So to watch the updated series with my kids is awesome. The latest DVD has come out right before Valentine's Day and is super cute. While watching Puppy Love my kiddos cuddled with our own family dog and talked about how some dogs don't have homes or owners to take care of them. It was a great show to watch to appreciate our dog, Max. This is such a great DVD that comes with five episodes that are awesome to watch with your little ones on Valentines Day.

Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I received Pound Puppies: Puppy Love on DVD at no cost for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.


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