A Letter To Santa

One of the best things about the Holidays to me are the activities I get to do with my children. Last weekend DS4 wrote a letter to Santa with his JK class and they took a field trip and walked to Canada Post to send their letters to Santa. I'm pretty familiar with this since DD6 has done this the last two years. I just think it's amazing that "Santa," takes the time to write back to each and every kid that writes him.

Well, this year DD6 didn't get a chance to write or send Santa a letter with her classmates, so we wrote one together instead. She was pretty excited and dropping it off at the post office was even more exciting for her. The lady behind the counter asked her what she wanted for Christmas, her response, "Justin Bieber!" We laughed and I told her, "I don't think you'll be able to get Justin Bieber himself, but maybe Santa has something else that's close enough."  Anyways, that entire day will be a memory that will last forever for me and one that I will definitely tell her when she's older.

If your child hasn't already sent a letter in to Santa and you'd like to do that, below is the following address where you can send a letter to Santa with no postage needed! (Thank you Canada Post!)





1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm surprised that your daughter's school did that - what about the children who don't celebrate Christmas? I'm not upset by this, just surprised!
